How to Win against Quarter-life Crisis?

First of all, you need to know what ‘quarter-life crisis’ is. In the modern generation, life is getting confusing and complicated. Time is changing and with that, the lifestyle of the present generation is also changing rapidly. In this competitive world, the young generation of the twenties often gets frustrated at the prosperity of their peers and feels their life worthless. This is called a quarter-life crisis. The major features of this crisis are anxiety, dissatisfaction about own life, frustration, purposeless life, confusion, and self-doubt. The twenties is the time when you are on the verge of building your career. If you suffer from quarter-life crisis this time, it will hamper your future life.

What are the reasons for a quarter-life crisis? Today, the young generation depends much on social media. They find the amazing photos of their friends in a new dress, with a hot and happening partner, amazing …

How to Have an Entrepreneur Mindset?

Being an entrepreneur is not an easy task. If you think setting a business is the only thing you need to be an entrepreneur, you are going all wrong. Entrepreneurship is something more vivid and all different. If you want to become an entrepreneur, you must have a specific mindset. You need to be all focused on your ambition and set your goal on how to achieve it. Once you know what kind of challenges you are going to face as an entrepreneur, you can be ready with that mindset to face whatever it comes. After talking with lots of famous and successful entrepreneurs, it has been proved that there are certain entrepreneur mindsets that one must have if they want to become successful. Let’s find out how you need to be prepared for being an entrepreneur. Read on to know more-

  1. Be Ready to Face Challenges

You have to …

How to Get up after Losing on Life?

Life is not always a bed of roses. There will be thorns, bumpers and lots of downfalls that often drag you back. There are moments when you feel you have lost everything in life and you have come to an end. Such situations only make you feel depressed and frustrated and that can take you to the real end. Life is so unpredictable that you can’t figure out what will happen to you in the next turn. You may have lost someone dear to you, or it can be your job that you lost. Constant failure in life can make it miserable to bear and life may seem worthless to you.

When you find your life at such point it is time to give it back. If there is no point to escape, it is always better to face your life. There are several incidents where people just revert forcefully …

The Effects of Social Media in Our Daily Lives

Social media became an important part of our everyday life and routine. Its chief purpose was to keep people all around the world connected. However, people use available platforms for all sorts of reasons — some are good, while others are bad. Because of that, social media can have different positive and negative impacts on our lives. 

There’s a widespread belief that the social media effects on people’s mental health and well-being are harmful. But that’s not always true — nothing’s black and white. 

Here are some pros and cons of using social media and tips on how to use it in the best way.

The Convenience of Social Media

Social Media platforms certainly make our lives easier. They give us plenty of options we never had before. For example, it’s quite simple to stay in touch with our friends and family, no matter where they live. 

And there’s more

Getting Out Of The Friendzone: Is It Possible?

The term ‘friendzone,’ has ruined the sleep of many guys. When you like or love someone but the person doesn’t consider you anything more than a friend can be really painful and frustrating at the same time.

Unfortunately, the boundaries of friendzone are meant only for guys. The concept of friendzone is used by girls as an excuse when they particularly don’t like a guy but then they don’t want to be rude either. Other than that, girls also use it when they genuinely consider the guy as a friend and don’t share the same feeling as the guy.

It is often believed that once you enter the friendzone, you are going to stay tuck there forever. In other words, there is no escape from there. But that is not true. If you try harder, you can definitely get out for the friendzone prison. Remember, when there is a will, …

Will College Degrees Matter In 10 Years?

Is it worth spending thousands of dollars on higher education? Does a college degree still guarantee wealth and success? What is higher education really for? All sorts of college-related questions can confuse and perplex young minds. 

The times are changing rapidly, and the economy is continually transforming. That makes it incredibly difficult to predict the answers to those types of questions. Do college degrees still matter in ten years? Take a look at this in-depth analysis to find out more! 

College Degrees Used to Be One of the Standards in Society

Higher education has long been considered a standard in modern society. The majority of young people are still taught to believe that college is an essential stepping stone to adulthood. It promises a bright future in which any degree-holder is guaranteed to get a good job. 

Plus, college life is a unique rite of passage for adolescents. Students are

Keeping Your Circle Of Friends Small: Pros And Cons

No matter how old you get friends are always important in life. You have your family by your side but having true friends is nothing less than a blessing. Unfortunately, we reside in a selfish and mean world were getting a true friend is really difficult. This is one of the main reasons why we compromise even in friendship.

When you were young, you probably had a large group of friends. In fact, chances are that your entire class was your friends. But as we grow up, our circle of friends becomes small and we are left only with two or three people. But why is that? Why do we have only limited friends in our adulthood? To get answers to all such questions you should give this article a read.

Friends Are Important But True Friends Are Priceless

All of us need friends to survive. Friends are like our …

Build a sex room. Save your marriage

Marriages are not just built around the prospect of togetherness and understanding. There is a lot more to it that only the couples can understand and swerve through. We are often so caught up in making marriages work that we fail to pay attention to one’s physical needs which are just as important. It goes without saying that if you have been witnessing your marriage falling apart, it is time to take the necessary step ahead.

Many couples will say that sex isn’t quintessential in a relationship but if you want to maintain that level of physical and emotional intimacy with your partner, it is important that you have an active and healthy sex life to more yourself better with the days. Trying new things in the bedroom is an amazing way to keep the fire burning in your relationship. It is one way to say it but if you …